We want to stress the concept: ZipGenius is absolutely free!
It is so since 1997 and it’s not going to change in the future. We chose to go on this road because ZG is a software made with love and passion for everyone. It was born in the late ’90s, when there were very few compression utilities and most of all were distributed as shareware or required a payment, anyway. The rare free compression utilities had only zip/unzip features and that convinced us to make a powerful yet free compression utility. That decision is still unchanged: we think that users don’t have to choose between a free but poor application and a versatile but expensive one. We didn’t putthe price tag toa really powerful compression suite.
Also, we wanted to spread this model beyond the simple home or SOHO environments: ZipGenius can be used also in professional, corporate, commercial, educational, institutional environments. Usually all of these places have a large number of workstations. No problem! ZipGenius can be installed in an unlimited number of workstations within the same organization or environment.
That’s why ZipGenius is “free for everybody in any place”.
The only way to support the ZipGenius development is to donate through the channels you see beside (Ethereum or PayPal); also the only banners you will see are in this website: we just ask you to add zipgenius.it or zipgenius.com to the white-list of your favorite ad blocker. As you can read also in this page, ads keep ZipGenius free because that’s the only money we gain to maintain the website and the development tools.