
Data security is one of most common concerns among computer users, today. We are living in a connected world and nobody can tell that his/her data are safe: you may lose your notebook, you may connect to harmful free wi-fi networks, you may send your data to the wrong person, an hacker may stole you files, and so on. This is especially true if you have the habit to store data on remote servers and you can’t do anything to disconnect them while under an attack.
Almost all the zip utilities have enhanced their methods to protect archives and all of them have gone farther than the obsolete (and easily crackable) zip standard password. The downside of these enhancements is that often these are non-standard techniques and those archives couldn’t be read from other zip utilities that don’t use the same technique.
ZipGenius goes one step forward!
We do really care about compatibility with other utilities and about interoperability. That’s why we provide our own CZIP Encryption Feature: a good way to protect zip archives and make sure that they could be accessed from other utilites’ users.
How does it work?
That’s truly simple: when you convert a ZIP archive into a CZIP one, you are building a secure envelope for your standard ZIP archive. You can set many options and you can even decide to make those archives to lock or destroy themselves when somebody tries three times to open them by using a wrong passphrase. Also, when you need to share that secure archive, you can transform it in a Windows executable so that people not using ZipGenius could have access to the archive (if they know the right passphrase).
How much strong is it?
You decide. We offer 4 different algorhythms and you choose which fits to your needings.
  • CZIP native – proprietary, encrypts bytes after bytes. Really slow. Strength untested.
  • Blowfish – really fast, it offers basic strength.
  • Twofish – slower than Blowfish, it offers twice the strength of Blowfish.
  • Rijndael (AES-256) – slow but powerful encryption technique, highly suggested.
And if you want something stronger…
 Get CZIP X, our new encryption app for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android.

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